Upcoming MDC: 17 July 2010
- Milonga del Corazón
- We start to have Milonga del Corazón because our hearts are truly in tango. We'd like to offer a space where people in Hong Kong can experience the milongas in Buenos Aires - dancing in a cosy place with traditional tango music. We may not be able to offer grand and historical dance hall that like Salon Canning and Niño Bien, but we pay the greatest respect to the classical music like most milongas in Buenos Aires do. We carefully arrange and select the most danceable music in our milonga, as we believe that one of the keys to understand tango is to dance with the most sophisticated music in the tango history. We wish you enjoy dancing in our milonga, and experience the unique sensations that derived from embracing with the tango music from the golden era. 我們開始辨 Milonga del Corazón 是因為我們真的心愛探戈。我們希望在香港提供一個可以體驗布宜諾斯艾利斯milonga的地方﹣在有傳統探戈音樂的舒適氣氛下跳舞。我們或許不能提供像Salon Canning 或 Niño Bien那種有氣派有悠久歷史的舞池,但我們像布宜諾斯艾利斯大部份Milonga一樣十分尊重傳統的探戈音樂。我們精心安排和挑選最適合跳舞的音樂,因為我們深信要了解探戈其中之一的關鍵便是跟探戈歷史中最有深度的音樂跳舞。我們希望你喜歡在我們的Milonga跳舞,並體會到擁抱經典探戈音樂所帶來的奇妙感覺。 Emily and Coleman
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Traditional tango music vs alternative music -- by Coleman
This is also a good place for me to polish up my rusty english writing.
It is an exciting idea to start our own regular milonga that pays the greatest respect to traditional tango culture such as "tanda", "cortina", "golden age music". It is my very own opinion and feeling that dancing tango is not merely about going to classes and learn the steps, but also, more importantly, to learn about the music, its structure and its colourful history. That's why we decided to call our milonga "Milonga del Corazon" meaning, "the milonga of the heart". My first tango instructor from Argentina once told me that "tango is danced by the heart not by the feet", and I am able to realise this more and more day by day.
I have my own theory about and attitude towards tango, both the dance and the music. To put it in one sentence "golden age music from 30s to 50s are the best of the batch". I like dancing to nuevo/electronic/alternative/funky tango music (whatever name you want to give them), but only once in a while. They are fun and sometimes adrenaline pumping, but to me they don't feel like tango at all, and they don't make me feel like I am dancing tango neither. This is a very personal feeling and may not be true to so many other people who seem to enjoy these kind of music more than I do. Tango is more than just dancing to the 2x4 beats, a structure which some alternative music also share, but more about dancing to the melodic arrangement of the whole piece which I find unique to traditional tango music. I am not a scholar in music theory, so I am only speaking from the perspective of a music lover. I generally can't feel the tango steps fit well in the nuevo/electronic/alternative music. May be one can still get the beats and rhythm right, but surely I can't feel my heart is being touched by the music at all.
Three and a half years ago, on a Thursday evening, a friend of mine brought me to Helena May to find out what Argentina Tango was about. Before this, I was not a dancer of any kind, and I only visited any a disco once in a few years, for drinks and not for dancing. And who would know that I had a crush on tango from that night onwards. What captured me first was not the dancers alone, but an overall ambience that was created together by the music, the decoration of the venue and the dancers dancing.
The first piece of music which struck me so much that kept me coming back week after week, and eventually had me making the decision to learn tango was a very old "Bahia Blanca" by Carlos di Sarli, still one of my favourite today. To a classical music fan like me, golden age tango music has a unique attraction--they are almost like classical music that one can not only listen to but also dance to.
A few years have passed since then and the tango community has really been growing. What I notice also is that more people are fascinated by dancing to alternative music. I would like to use the word "alternative" because many of them are in fact not tango at all, they dont have the traditional 2x4 rhythmic structure, some of them are just Rock 'n Roll, Samba, Jazz or even Hip-Hop. I would only reserve the term "nuevo tango" for works created by Astor Piazzolla who truly revolutionizes the tango music. I admit my feet want to move to anything that sound good to my ears, but I don't think my dancing would have improved if I have been dancing to alternative all the time. Many famous nuevo maetros who are loved by the world today like Chicho, Sebastian Arce, Pablo y Dana etc have had their profound training in traditional tango music like those of Di Sarli, D'Arienzo, Biaggi, Osvaldo Pugliese and not the like of Gotan Project, Otros Aires etc. This is like a case of classical music vs jazz too. Many famous Jazz pianist have also had their traning in classical before they are good enough to find their place and soul in the jazz arena.
This is also the reason we start our Milonga Del Corazon. We hope we can provide a place where traditional tango music are given more respect that they deserve, as well as a place where the local community can mature their dancing into the next level by using more "heart" than just their "feet".
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Enjoy Yourself Tonight Milonga - 2 December 2006

First of all I would like to say thank you for those who went to EYT Milonga, and also our special guests Hung Yut and Hwayi, Pablo and Noelia. Without you all, we cannot have such an unforgetable night. Actually, EYT Milonga is like the mother of Milonga del Corazon. When Coleman and I knew about Hung Yut and Hwayi's plan coming to Hong Kong and there was not any tango events during their stay, we suddenly came up an idea - why don't we organize a milonga for them? Then during the time when we were preparing EYT milonga, we both share similar thoughts about milongas in Hong Kong, the importance of music, etc...then we started to have an idea of a continuation- a regular milonga in Hong Kong on the saturaday evening. Again, thank you for all your supports. Please leave your comments about our milonga and we will try our best to offer you all a better place of dancing tango in Hong Kong.